Thursday, January 29, 2009

RIP Cable Guy

This is the most awkward gravestone.  Due to the downturn in the economy and the increased competition by FIOS and Satellite television, his family couldn't afford all of the words.  A last minute decision resulted in the removal of "GUY".  And despite the lawsuit (Mrs. Cable Guy vs. Association for Mole Protection*) that mandates the warning, he won't be a danger to anymole.

*Thanks to my friend Daniel for raising awareness about the AMA.


Anonymous said...

Why the "Danger?" I've heard a high percentage of Cable Guys come back as Zombies, so maybe that's it?

PG said...

perhaps his last name was Danger?! Hmmmm.

Tyler said...

Great suggestions guys! I think I was too sleep deprived to be that creative. The AMA was a weak attempt to address the Danger part, but not the why. Both of your suggestions have made this even funnier. Thanks!