Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Amendment to the "No Throwing Indoors" Rule

I implemented a new house rule that I never could have predicted.  I was faced with a scenario in which I had to quickly create the following amendment to the "No Throwing Indoors" Rule.  

"A stinky diaper shall not be thrown at a man with both hands in his pockets."

This rule applies outdoors also and is directly aimed to prevent further incidents.  Due to the circumstances under which this was created, it applies directly to my wife who will be subjected to just punishment if said rule is violated.  Please note that the duration of a time-out is still calculated as one minute per years of age.


PG said...

good call. Now get on the horn to your legislator - this needs to go to the Hill. And step on it. With any luck I will be out of diaperland within the next couple of months, but I could use the protection that this idea would afford me for the time being.

Mom et al said...

In my household, we call it getting put on "written warning".