Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blinking Has Ruined My Career As An Eye Model

I am often complimented on my bright blue eyes and long eyelashes. In light of the constant pressure they endure, albeit intra-ocular, I think that they could handle the tough criticism which is standard in the modeling industry. However I always thought that my biggest issue would be blinking. To the eye model, isn't that the equivalent of a runway model covering themselves in a flesh-colored blanket every 5 seconds only to suddenly reappear covered in tears? Wouldn't it be equally damaging to a hand model's career if they tucked their hands in their armpits throughout a shoot? However, it unfortunately wouldn't be tears covering this poor model's hands.  

Okay, so my metaphor examples are starting to fall apart, but the issue is still the same. I'm clearly not cut out for eye modeling. Blinking has ruined my eye modeling career before I even started.

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