Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Noisy Cars

On NPR this morning, there was a segment about how electric and hybrid vehicles are dangerous for the blind. I completely understand this and can see how this would be true.

But, what struck me as humorous is that the bill passed by the CA legislature provides that a committee will be established to determine ways in which the vehicles could be made noisier. I'm imagining sound machines strapped to the hood of every Prius. Not white noise though - that could be even more dangerous. Perhaps a recording of Sam Kinnison screaming or Gilbert Gottfried talking to make sure nobody steps off the curb within a mile radius. What's safer than that?

No, really. How will they make cars noisier? I recommend creative financing allowing for early payoff. For these cars will almost certainly make more noise (probably from the engine or transmission) the day after the last payment is made.

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