Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tyler the Dad Has a Posse.

Tyler the Dad Has a Posse.
(I enjoyed the Shepard Fairey exhibit at the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art today.) Granted my posse consists of two toddlers and their mommy, but it's a posse nonetheless).

When I got home, I noticed an article online. The link is here, but just in case it dissolves I have pasted it here also with credits to the Boston Globe:

"BERLIN—German police said an elderly man was so annoyed at hearing the same serenade over and over that he called authorities to report his neighbors -- only to discover the culprit was a musical greeting card on his own windowsill. Police said Tuesday the 82-year-old from Goslar in central Germany told officers he was sick of the music, which would come at irregular intervals and at all hours.

Upon further investigation, police found the musical greeting card on his windowsill, where occasional breezes opened the card just enough to play an irritating tune.

Police said the retiree was happy to find out his neighbors weren't trying to annoy him."

That's hysterical! But, apparently I owe my neighbor next door an apology. I guess they haven't been singing Feliz Cumpleanos in their best Dora the Explorer voice all Winter after all. And Mrs. O'Shamrock stopped talking to me the day I suggested that her singing was worse than a 25-cent Mexican Music Box. I said Adios and forgot about it until I saw this article.

The story prompted me to find that card in my living room and throw it out immediately. But, I won't stop my visits to the local Hallmark store to see one particular Thinking Of You card. We have an understanding. She always opens up to me (no really, she does) and sings such sweet words to me. Repeatedly and confidently. Until they close the store at night and ask me to leave.

1 comment:

Mom et al said...

I have a weird similar story like this. One of the phone reps I support contacted me to say he thought there was something wrong with our phone system. He kept getting voicemails that consisted of some weird high pitched noise. Upon investigation, I was able to retrieve the recording, and recognized the sound was the same opera singing from a birthday card I had listened to recently at a store (telling the recipient to “party ‘til the fat lady sings”). It was one long LAAAAAAAAA!!!!! When I suggested to him that someone was playing a trick on him and there was nothing wrong with my call center, he remembered that his wife had gotten a card like that recently. Apparently she thought it was entertaining to leave him voicemails that consisted only of playing the card. He was so embarrassed that I spent time researching this, but I count it as one of my funnier call center moments.