Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Major Minor

The phrase "minor heart attack" has been in the news a lot recently. I would like to propose that this three-word phrase be banned from the English and News Anchor languages. Instead, I would like to propose a better phrase that truly represents what one experiences, which can never be described as "minor".  I have given great thought towards a more appropriate way to articulate the meaning behind this phrase. Therefore, I would like to propose that we use, very simply, the phrase "heart attack". If you don't accept this proposal, I will give you a minor finger-in-your-eye. Then, let me know what you think.


Barry said...

Tyler I couldn't agree more. My "minor" heart attack resulted in a triple bypass. The fear was never minor and neither was the recovery.
I just stumbled onto your blog. I love it! I am a native of Framingham Centre (See I even spelled it correctly) from 1947 and went to Jonathan Maynard School for first and second grade before Dad got the urge to go west!

Tyler said...

Thanks for stopping by Barry! I haven't been writing much recently, but hope to start up again soon. I appreciate the feedback!