Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Before Kids, I Shook My Booty And All That

My social life is so lame now that the only time I shake my booty is when I check to see if the bag is empty.


PJ said...

Given the current situation on the high seas, I am hereby boycotting all booty and cannon ball related snacks.

I also will not be dining at Arrby's

Tyler said...

I am very sensitive to the situation you refer to. It doesn't help that my wife has been diagnosed with Pink Eeeeyyyyye.

Unknown said...

arh arh arh....the bad puns. Or maybe I should say Argh, Argh, Argh!!!

PJ said...

further more, I think all Massachusettsians should no longer pronounce the letter "r" in their words....oh, wait

John said...

Do what?