I thought I was going to get my new car today. When I called the credit union to see if they had received all the paperwork, the answer was negative. The representative informed me that she had the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the RMV application, but not the insurance binder.
I called the insurance company, who informed me that the car dealership told them that they cannot fax to them the P&S until the car has been paid for.
The insurance company can't produce a binder until they have the P&S.
So, let's recap. The insurance company cannot give me a loan until they have the insurance binder which the insurance company won't issue until the car dealership faxes them the P&S which can't be done until the car has been purchased with the money from the loan from the bank who has everything except the freaking binder from the damn insurance company who is waiting on the stupid car dealership to fax those forms to anyone that can produce an insurance policy on a car that I want to buy or even a car I don't want to car as long as something called a binder makes it's way to the customer "care" representative at the credit (of which she gets a little for being so patient) union so that she can issue a loan check that I can take to the dealership while flipping off the insurance company as I drive by in my old car that has a binder (and was recently paid off. twice.) A twisted love triangle is what it is. Except without the love.
Oh, and here's real time reporting at it's best. I just learned that the car dealership will fax the paperwork to the insurance company, except that they don't have a required document. They're missing the certificate of origin, which is like a birth certificate for cars except without the weight and given name (which my wife might want to change). Now the dealership is waiting for the birth certificate from another dealer before they can fax the deets (short for details) to the insurance company who will fax back a binder to then be faxed to the bank who will give me a big check to buy the car.
Did I mention it has a sunroof? Freaking birth certificate is keeping us apart.
This is such a bummer. Ugh...I hope that all this craziness works out soon and you get your new vehicle. It will feel even so much better once you get it.
I'm sorry to hear about your car woes.
I wanted to let you know that I changed my blog name and URL. I hope you will still come by and visit!
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